Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Aggressive Behavior In Young People Young People Essay Essay Example
Aggressive Behavior In Young People Young People Essay Essay Example Aggressive Behavior In Young People Young People Essay Essay Aggressive Behavior In Young People Young People Essay Essay The addition in violent behaviour in the American society particularly amongst adolescents has triggered research on causes of force. There has been a important addition in aberrant behaviour particularly among the immature people and this has included instances of school violent deaths, armed offenses, sexual offenses and other signifiers of condemnable behaviour. This tendency has caused concern to defenders, parents and the society in general. Research on force in immature people has pointed to the media as a major subscriber to force. Different researches have shown that kids who are exposed to force in the media at a immature age are more likely to show violent actions than those who are non exposed to it. Research has besides shown that prevailing exposure of force to kids takes topographic point through the telecasting. These researches have concluded that kids who watch the telecasting for a longer period of clip are likely to show aggressive behaviour and develop violent ten dencies later in life. However, it is of import to re-evaluate this issue and develop clear findings on the relationship between watching the telecasting and development of aggressive behaviour among kids. This can be achieved through analysing literature and research on the topic by bookmans. This paper aims at analysing the relationship between watching telecasting and development of aggressive behaviour by kids. This analysis will be done utilizing the annotated bibliography format. Three articles of a scholarly literature will be evaluated to develop accurate research findings. These articles are Television force: A reappraisal of the effects on kids of different ages by the Media Awareness Network, Violence in society by Anderson and How the Television affects your kid by Kid s Health Organization. The discussed issues will be summarized at the terminal. Statement of hypothesis The statement of hypothesis will specify the purposes of the research. The statement of hypothesis will be Do kids who watch telecasting more than three hours a twenty-four hours exhibit more aggressive behaviour than those who watch fewer than three hours a twenty-four hours? Research inquiries There will be other research inquiries which will take at understanding aggression among kids and observation of the telecasting for longer hours. One of the research inquiries will be What is the association of aggressive behaviour in kids and violent media? Another research inquiry will be What can be done to deter aggression amongst kids . Article 1: Media Awareness Network. ( 2009 ) . Television force: A reappraisal of the effects on kids of different ages. Introduction Many surveies have explained the causes of development of aggression among kids and adolescents who are exposed to force or grownup content by the media. Research workers from the Media Awareness Network assess the impacts which telecasting plans have on kids of different ages. They analyze a measure by measure influence on aggression and force amongst kids of different ages as a consequence of being exposed to the telecasting. They farther explain that kids are normally unable to hold on the content or narrative behind a film or plan, and their attending is normally captured by dramatic scenes or scenes which they are familiar with. When this happens, such kids begin copying the behaviour particularly when it is presented in an unlittered, instructional and simple mode. Literature reappraisal and findings When kids are about two old ages of age, they begin paying attending to telecasting plans. The screening form developed during this age is likely to be carried frontward to adulthood. During this phase, kids prefer watching sketchs and plans which have fast traveling characters that capture their involvement. During pre-school age, they enter the exploratory phase where they try to decode intending from content they are exposed to. In this phase, they are attracted to production characteristics which are vivid and which include rapid changing of scenes, rapid motion of characters and unexpected or intense sounds and sights ( Media Awareness Network, 2009 ) . Most instances of force in the telecasting plans are followed by production characteristics which are graphic and this means that kids pay attending and seek out violent scenes. It is of import to observe that kids are non attracted to violent Acts of the Apostless in the media but instead the vivid characteristics of production which accompany such scenes. Although telecasting content may subsequently explicate the effects and motive behind the force, kids are unable to hold on these of import facets due to their low adulthood degrees. They are likely to copy violent Acts of the Apostless and act sharply without consciousness of effects of such actions. During the simple school ages, kids have the ability to do illations and follow secret plans every bit good as understand effects and motives attached to the actions of histrions. However, their mental development is non to the full developed and it is non possible to find whether they will deeply treat the information from the telecasting or simply react in a superficial or unfocused manner. By eight old ages of age, kids will probably develop aggression if they identify themselves with violent heroes. However, if force is depicted as immorality, through penalty or doing enduring, such kids are improbable to copy it. By the clip they are about ten old ages of age, kids begin besides watching family-oriented or grownup content and may develop a similitude for films which employ force. During adolescence, kids have high abstract logical thinking and idea degrees and they use this for academic work as opposed to watching the telecasting. However, they become independent and may get down watching horror, adult or violent films every bit good as music picture. These have a negative consequence on striplings and unless they are decently guided by grownups, they may prosecute in violent or immoral Acts of the Apostless. However, merely the minor proportion which believes in the power of telecasting and identifies with violent heroes is likely to pattern violent Acts of the Apostless against their equals. This position is supported by messages which plans which have high grades of force advertise. Programs such as World Wrestling expose kids to high degrees of force and manufacturers have acknowledged the effects which this exposure may hold on them. As a consequence, such plans carry messages which warn kids and immature people non to reiterate actions they see during t he plan as the histrions are professionally trained performing artists who have practiced for many old ages. Methodology However, the writers use secondary research as opposed to primary research as a footing for developing their findings. A assortment of diaries and books are used for the research. It is of import to understand the failings and strengths of this research methodological analysis. Failings of secondary research include the possibility of doubling mistakes from paperss used and the inability to research research further through existent question of authors of the research. This arises from the fact that research workers are non physically present to reply any inquiries which may originate from their research. Advantages of this research method include the low cost and easiness of set abouting research from the cyberspace. The ability to confirm information from diverse beginnings on the Internet is besides another benefit of utilizing this method. Significance of findings The findings of this article are really utile to parents and defenders in general. The research paper helps parents and defenders to understand the idea procedure which kids and adolescents experience when they are exposed to the telecasting. This enables them have an penetration of the effects that force on the telecasting has on kids of different ages. This is of import when parents want to screen their kids from force. The article besides discusses assorted ways in which parents may protect their kids from force and these will be discussed at the terminal of the paper. Article 2: Anderson, K. ( 2008 ) . Violence in society Introduction This writer links the addition in force in society with the exposure of kids to violence through the telecasting. The writer begins by giving several statistics on force or aggression exposures to kids. The first research shows that over 50 % of kids were afraid of force against their households, which showed the paranoia among kids. Extra statistics show that about 20 % of adolescents in the US between the ages of 10 and 17 are cognizant of a individual who has been shot ( Anderson, 2008 ) . Within the last two decennaries, the proportion of child maltreatment increased by over 40 % . Violent offense on the other manus has increased by 60 % within the last four decennaries. Literature reappraisal and findings The writer so links the force in society to exposure to force through the telecasting particularly among kids. Statisticss used to associate these two phenomena explain that kids in the US reveal that an mean kid is exposed to 100,000 Acts of the Apostless of force and 8,000 televised slayings before completion of simple school. This figure doubles before they reach maturity. In add-on, adolescents watch over 10,000 hours of stone music on MTV, and this exposes them to a assortment of violent or immoral Acts of the Apostless. Research on 732 kids straight linked exposure to force on telecasting to delinquent behaviour by kids and this ranged from contending to struggles with parents. These Acts of the Apostless correlated with exposure to telecasting screening. Another longer term research by the University of Illinois made findings that telecasting wonts at a stamp age straight influenced aggressive behaviour at ulterior ages. This means that the more exposure to violence that a kid has, the more they are likely to be violent in ulterior life. Methodology The writer uses a combination of secondary and primary beginnings when carry oning research. Benefits of primary research include the ability to seek accounts on ill-defined issues straight from the writers of research. Another advantage is that organic structure linguistic communication may be used to do decisions through non-verbal communicating. Disadvantages include the fact that it is expensive to transport out. Another failing is that there may be interviewer or interviewee bias depending on the accomplishments of the interviewer. The failings and strengths of secondary beginnings were earlier discussed. Significance of findings The findings of this research are really of import to parents, instructors, defenders and the society at big. These findings show clear linkage between exposure to force on the telecasting to kids and the development of aggressive behaviour. Such grounds from research reinforces the position that kids should be protected from violent content when they are turning up and this is the duty of the society as a whole. Various methods which can be used to accomplish this aim will be discussed at the terminal of the paper. Article 3: Kid s Health Organization. ( 2010 ) . How the Television affects your kid Introduction The writers begin by giving facts about the mean clip spent by kids watching the telecasting. They explain that the mean kid under six old ages of age spends two hours daily watching telecasting, DVDs or pictures. Adolescents and kids who are aged between eight and 18 old ages of age spend four hours and two hours on the telecasting and computing machine severally. The American Pediatrics Association recommends kids under two old ages of age non to watch telecasting at all, and those over two old ages non to watch more than two hours of telecasting daily. This is because the first and 2nd twelvemonth after childbearing is indispensable for mental development and electronic devices should non impact playing, geographic expedition and interaction of kids with people around them. Literature reappraisal and findings The writers explain that telecasting is utile to kids if watched in moderateness since it exposes them to larning and researching new things. However, inordinate observation of the telecasting by kids has been linked to inauspicious effects such as being fleshy, development of fright and aggression every bit good as acceptance of hazardous behaviour such as usage of drugs. They explain that the mean kid will watch 200,000 violent Acts of the Apostless before they attain maturity ( Kid s Health Organization, 2010 ) . Such kids may copy violent Acts of the Apostless which they view as merriment. Since the good cat normally propagates force against scoundrels, kids view force every bit positive every bit long as it is directed towards the bad cat . In add-on, many plans feature hazardous behaviours such as imbibing, smoke and engaging in sexual Acts of the Apostless. Children may copy this behaviour in a command to look cool to their equals. Research has shown that kids who watch more than five hours of telecasting a twenty-four hours are more likely to take part in sexual Acts of the Apostless, imbibing intoxicant or smoke compared to those who watch telecasting for two hours or less. Methodology The writers likewise used a combination of secondary and primary beginnings when set abouting the research. These beginnings have failings and strengths which have already been discussed in the paper. Significance of findings The findings of this research are really utile since they straight link the figure of hours which kids watch telecasting to the development of aggression and other delinquent behaviours. The American Pediatric Association has recommended that kids watch telecasting for a upper limit of two hours a twenty-four hours, and those aged less than two old ages should non be exposed to the telecasting. This information is of import to parents who are acute to guarantee that their kids have equal mental development and are free from force or immorality which is exposed by the media. Summary and decision The paper has discussed three articles which assess the relationship between development of aggression by kids as a consequence of exposure to the telecasting. All the articles have linked kids s aggression and development of immoral behaviour to exposure to the media. Childs have been seen to copy what they see on the telecasting without equal cognition of the reverberations of such actions. The sum of clip which is spent watching such plans has besides been seen to be straight relative to the aggression developed by kids and adolescents. Children under two old ages of age should non be exposed to the telecasting harmonizing to the American Pediatric Association, and those over two old ages should merely hold two hours of telecasting screening. After the appraisal of these findings, it is clear that the reply to the hypothesis What is the association of aggressive behaviour in kids and violent media? is an addition in instances of aggression and immoral behaviour among kids who are exposed to violent media. This has been supported by research discussed. In order to reply the research inquiry What can be done to deter aggression amongst kids , the undermentioned steps should be taken by parents, instructors an society at big. In order to deter aggressive behaviour among kids, parents and defenders have a duty to command the plans their kids watch or the media they are exposed to. Parents should guarantee that kids are non exposed to violent or immoral behaviour since this may promote them to copy such behaviour. In order to command what kids are exposed to, movie shapers and media houses have a duty to rate the content which is exposed to audiences. This is normally a demand in many societies across the universe, and the media is expected to warn viewing audiences in progress if the content has rough linguistic communication, nakedness, force or scenes of a sexual nature. Once parents are cognizant of the content of plans beforehand, they are able to command what their kids have entree to. This will cut down the degrees of aggression among kids and adolescents in the American society, and the degrees of violent offenses will cut down in the long tally.
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