Sunday, June 2, 2019

How can the company FX-Solutions Financial Services Ltd improve interna

Internal communication is essential for creating a culture of transparency between centering and employees, as well as among all employees. Quirke (2008) noted that the role of internal communication is to illuminate the connections between different pieces of cultivation (p. xv), and its job is to provide employees with the information they need to do their job (p. xv). It includes both official communications, such as guidelines, policies, memos, etc. - and unofficial communication. There are three interdependent areas in the union FX-Solutions Financial Services Ltd where problems occur and must be addressed in order to improve the internal communicationCompanys culture and environment. complete definition of what needs to be communicated and by whom.Systems, which order creates to allow and support the internal communication.Let me state some examples of the communication issues within the company. Insufficiency in interdepartmental communication, people do not communicate w hen required or do not communicate issues to the all co-workers whose job is related to this issue/change, which causes misunderstandings and mistakes that leads to diminish quality of provided services. Evident lack of appropriate downward communication, where employees are most of the time provided with either incomplete, modified or no information, what affects their day-to-day job. Therefore, the aim of this wrap up is to present directions and solutions that should be implemented in order to strengthen and maintain an efficient flow of information inside the company.To begin with, in order to arrive at good internal communication the first step should be towards creating an open working environment which encourages smooth flow o... ...y using appropriate ways, it is essential for the company to regularly monitor the internal communication- by asking for feedback from employees, testing the information flow, or making regular comparison of previous evaluation with current o nes. industrial plant CitedGillis, T. L. (2011). The IABC Handbook of Organizational Communication A guide to internal communication, public relations, marketing, and leadership (2nd ed.). Retrieved from Books24x7 version database.Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, F.P. (1997). Joining Together Group Theory and Group Skills. capital of Massachusetts Allyn and Bacon.Quirke, B. (2008). Making the Connections Using Internal Communication to Turn Strategy Into Action (2nd revised ed.). England Gower Publishing Ltd, p. xv.Peters, T. J., & Waterman, R. H. (1982). In Search of Excellence Lessons from Americas Best-run Companies. New York, US harper & Row.

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