Sunday, June 16, 2019

Companys annual report and accounts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Companys annual report and accounts - Assignment ExampleThe strong cultural values become their identity as well as it is the integral part of their success (J Sainbury Plc, 2013, p.1). David Tyler is the chairman of the company. In real fair price, they are offering the best provender for health. Profit making is not only the main of the company. They respect the environment. Their aim is to be the greenest grocer of UK. As well as they are funding for different openhearted causes. From being a retail shop it is now diversifying its business by going online, opening own brand bank, they also doing property related business. every last(predicate) of these help them to acquire the whole market. In every aspect of need and demand Sainsbury can stand with their product as well as services. As a super market it is the first sponsor of the London 2012 Paralympics Games. The company has a market share of 16.5% in the UK super market (Mirza, 2012, pp.34-87).When an investor wants to inv est in any company he needs to analyse the financial information of that company. The huge amount of numbers in the financial statement may evade the investors. So financial ratio is a simpler and more organised way by which the investor can easily make his judgement about the financial purview of the company. So we can say that Ratio analysis is a tool which is mainly used for different quantitative analysis of one companys financial statement (Friedlob andSchleifer, 2003, pp.45-67). The companys liquidity, solvency, efficiency and capital structure of the company can be understood by using ratio analysis. just about of the ratio discussed below.Comparing with the expenses and relevant costs of the company, what is the ability of the business to generate earnings is measured by this type of ratios. Profit margin and return on assets are the two basic profitability ratios to measure the earnings capability of the companies (J Sainsbury plc, 2012, pp.2-5).The above table shows the yearly amount of profit and revenue. We can see that it is ceaselessly

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